Friday, October 20, 2006

Wake Up & Smell The Indomie

Having been treated in the hospital for 2 days, have left my fiancee extra cautious & worried. She's got reason to be that way. The pain incurred would leave me rolling on the floor, suffering the pain excruciating from inside. Before I forgot, it's my kidney stone that did it. This is the third kidney stone case in my life (I'm not even 26 yet!!)

Back to my fiancee, she's particularly concerned about my medicine schedule. She just couldn't stand watching me suffer, so she would stand by me & shoved the pills. I got a few medicine:
  • One of them shall be taken, '4 times daily'.
  • The other, 'once daily'.
  • Another one, '30 drops, 3 times daily'.
  • The last one, 'Shove it in my ass, when in pain'.
Besides all that, I still have to struggle with (AT LEAST):
  • 4 cans of carbonated water
  • 3 litres of water a day
  • A few apples a day - this is good
  • Traditional herbal tea, namely 'Cat Moustache'
  • Very good chinese herb, 'Ling Shen Yao'
  • 'I-don't-know-what herbal tea, which is claimed very effective against kidney stone

Tell you what, taking all those mentioned above is no small stuff. I have to run forth and back to the toilet, passing urine. In the evening alone, I walked about 6 times to the toilet. I begin to master "Walking In My Sleep" style!!

Enough with all the ranting & back to my medicine schedule. To ensure that I take my '4 times daily' medicine, my fiancee will wake me up every morning at 8AM, ask me to take the pills. Knowing that I can't take the pills on empty stomach, she brought a different kind of breakfast for me every morning. This morning, "Wake Up & Smell The Indomie!!" Posted by Picasa